If you are in an area that has power outages on a regular basis, if you operate a business that is home based, use vitally important equipment at your residence, or just want to never be without power, then power generators might be the next important purchase made for the house. Buying a power backup generator in Winnetka should not overwhelm you. Finding the one that best meets your needs should take some planning and extra thought, but should not cause any anxiety. Although the majority of people have the idea that generators are small, noisy, gas-powered units, there are several types available today. Depending on what your needs are, the traditional generator that is gasoline powered may not be your best option, but other units could be a better choice.
Backup Generators
Decision number one is deciding if the best choice is a backup generator or standby. Backup generators can also be referred to as portable and are intended to provide power only to a few vital appliances during an emergency power outage. They don’t remain permanently connected to the home’s electrical grid. The majority of backup generators operate on gasoline, making their location while in use of utmost importance due to fumes. Therefore, they need to be kept in a location that is well ventilated and away from air intakes from the outside. Appliances plug directly into the unit, but they are limited to the number of outlets available.
Standby Generators
The standby generator, or what others call the whole-house generator, is installed permanently close to the home and directly connected to the home’s electrical grid. They are usually powered by liquid propane or natural gas, and use an internal switch that starts the generators automatically when the home’s electrical service becomes interrupted. Size and cost of this type of unit might be an issue, but having one is worth finding a spot and the money to acquire one. Peace of mind is worth every penny spent to buy and install one.