How to Get Jail Bonds in Ft. Lauderdale, FL

by | Nov 19, 2015 | Attorneys


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Florida defendants must undergo arraignment in most cases before they can be released from jail; however, these stipulations depend on the crime for which they are accused. A bonding agent could determine the terms of the defendant’s release and help them secure jail bonds in Ft. Lauderdale, FL.

What to Do After the Arrest

All defendants have access to the phone to call their attorney after an arrest. The county jail must also provide them with a call to a bonding agent. These requirements must be met to allow the defendant their civil rights.

In some instances, bonding agents may visit the jail frequently to assist defendants; however, some county jails may require previous contact with a defendant before the agent can enter the jail. If the defendant is unable to call a bonding agent, a representative could contact them on their behalf.

Who Can Purchase the Bond?

The defendant or any party they choose as a representative, who could be a family member, their attorney, or a friend. The laws don’t impose restrictions on who is allowed to secure a bail bond for any defendant.

How to Secure a Jail Bond

The bonding agents require at least twenty percent of the total bail for these bonds. They may pay cash or provide collateral to secure the bond. Acceptable collateral includes real estate property, automobiles and jewelry; any property that is equal to or more than the identified value is acceptable in most cases.

What Are the Repercussions of a FTA?

If the defendant doesn’t arrive at their designated court date, the judge issues a bench warrant. The reason for the warrant is failure to appear, and it remains on the defendant’s record until they are arrested or turn themselves into the court.

Florida defendants may become released from jail through the full payment of bail or a bail bond. Defendants with low incomes may receive a bail bond by paying a small percent of the total bail value. In most cases, the value equates to twenty percent of the bail. Defendants who need jail bonds in Ft. Lauderdale, FL should call at (305) 642-1986 for more information.

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