A Criminal Defense Attorney in Blue Springs, MO, Helps Clients Fight Drug Charges

by | Apr 11, 2024 | Law Services


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A criminal defense attorney in Blue Springs, MO, knows that a large majority of arrests for drug offenses involve possession, possession with intent to sell, or low-level drug dealing. Low-level dealing, also known as street dealing, makes up most of the illegal drug-selling activity, but incarcerating these individuals does not have much of an impact on the underlying problem. Defense lawyers provide skilled legal representation for people at risk of prison time for nonviolent drug offenses that do not have a far-reaching effect on society.

People who sell small amounts of illegal substances on the street or elsewhere often try to earn enough money to buy drugs to use. A criminal defense attorney in Blue Springs, MO, understands that these individuals need assistance with their chemical dependency problem instead of long-term incarceration. The lawyer may be able to have the person enrolled in a Mississippi drug court instead of a prison sentence. This type of treatment involves supervision, regular drug testing, and teaching people who are addicted to drugs effective strategies for recovery. The programs have proved to be very successful in keeping former offenders out of the court system in the future.

A criminal defense attorney in Blue Springs, MO, uses other strategies to help clients retain their freedom. For example, there may have been an illegal search and seizure of the person’s home or vehicle. There may have been a technical error, such as law enforcement officers not reading the person’s Miranda rights before detainment and questioning, which is required by law.

Possession of some drugs is considered a more serious offense than possession of others. Having a small amount of marijuana in a pocket, home, or vehicle is not viewed as serious as possessing cocaine or heroin. The amount of the drug in the person’s possession is also a significant factor in which charges are filed. Large amounts indicate an intent to distribute the substances since it’s improbable or even impossible for one person to use all of them. Criminal attorneys at Kelly, Reed & Jansen LLC are ready to assist people charged with drug-related offenses.

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