I’ve Been Sued. Do I Need a Civil Litigation Attorney in Charlotte, NC?

by | Mar 15, 2024 | Attorneys


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If you’ve been sued in civil court, you can either settle your case or defend yourself in court. Either way, you’ll need a thoughtful defense. To create the strongest defense possible, consider arming yourself with a civil litigation attorney in Charlotte, NC.

How to Prepare Your Civil Defense

Start building your defense by collecting all relevant information regarding the case. This can include things like letters, receipts, pictures, emails, and more. Include the items that may be damaging to your defense as well. Keep all of this information in an organized folder and add to it as necessary.

Once you have the information in front of you, go over it with your civil litigation attorney in Charlotte, NC. The lawyer will assess the information to determine the best course of action.

Responding to Your Case

You will have two options regarding your case: you can settle with the plaintiff or go to court.

If you decide to settle, your lawyer will meet with the plaintiff’s lawyer to negotiate a settlement that appeases both parties. Most plaintiffs will be willing to reduce the claim to avoid going to trial.

If a settlement agreement can’t be made, the case will go to court. You will have the option to have the case heard by a judge or by a jury of your peers. There is a significant amount of paperwork involved with taking the court (along with several fees). During court, the plaintiff will have the burden of proof in the case.

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