Abortion Clinic in Jacksonville, FL: How to Cope After Having an Abortion

by | May 14, 2020 | Health and Fitness


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Dealing with an unwanted pregnancy can lead to a ton of confusing and strong emotions. The choice to visit an Abortion Clinic In Jacksonville, FL, has to be yours alone. You can talk it over with the baby’s father, family, and even friends, but ultimately the choice you make is your own. Often, having an abortion is made worse because the very people who should support you throughout this traumatic time are the ones shunning you. There are some strong emotions that most women will experience after having an abortion; below are some tips for coping with them.

The first thing you need to understand is that you are not alone in feelings of guilt, anger, and depression. Over one-third of pregnant women in America have had an abortion, and most report having these feelings for months, sometimes even years.

Join a support group for women who have had to terminate their pregnancies. Often times it helps to talk to women that have been in your situation, because honestly only someone who has been there knows how you feel. The professionals at the Abortion Clinic In Jacksonville, FL should be able to recommend some support groups for you to attend

Join a support group for women who have had to terminate their pregnancies. Often it helps to talk to women that have been in your situation because honestly, only someone who has been there knows how you feel. The professionals at the Abortion Clinic In Jacksonville, FL, should be able to recommend some support groups for you to attend.

The biggest thing that you need to do, especially if you were coerced into terminating your pregnancy, is to forgive yourself. Admit that you made a decision that you regret, if indeed you do, and move on with your life. You can’t punish yourself forever, and you need to have a full life as well. You need to realize that you are still a good person who deserves to be loved. Contact First Coast Women’s Services to know more about abortion services.

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