Feeling disoriented when you stand, an unsteadiness when walking, a spinning head if you move too soon are all signs of an imbalance issue known as vertigo. If you have noticed any of the following, they should not be overlooked.
The Sunshine State is home for many elderly and aging people escaping the harsh elements of winter for more stable and warmer temperatures. Not surprisingly, central Florida has a large population of retired and elderly individuals.
Reports have shown more doctor’s complaints are the direct result of balance problems for people over age 70. An accident or fall can be very scary, not to mention life-threatening. With a high demand for balance testing Orlando provides some options for relief.
First, here are some quick facts about balance problems you may want to know:
• Imbalance issues can lead to severe falls and accounts for over one-half of accidental deaths in the elderly
• A viral infection or inner-ear infection can lead to severe imbalance
• High-blood pressure, alcohol consumption, and too much caffeine puts you at a higher risk
• Aging does not automatically lead to balance problems; internal factors can also exist and go easily undetected
The best assessment for balance problems is diagnosis by a professional. Typically, a test will involve recording measurements of muscles during changes in movement (sitting to standing, or lying down and observing eye movement, etc.). Your vision and hearing are monitored for indications that some vertigo symptoms exist.
Should you think you might need balance testing Orlando has great specialists at MD Diagnostic Specialists at www.mymdds.com