How to Avoid Slip and Fall Accidents While Doing Holiday Shopping

by | Jan 29, 2018 | Law Services


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There are many things to enjoy about the holiday season. There are vacations to enjoy, as well as deals and discounts on all sorts of fun things. That’s why it is no surprise that many people are out there to shop until they drop. However, as with most things, there are also risks that come with holiday shopping.

Stores are going to be much more crowded than they usually are, which can also mean that stores become understaffed or much more reliant on temporary workers who may not have the experience of a long-term employee. On top of that, with so much demand for various products, shelves can be packed with items for customers to peruse. This can lead to more cluttered aisles to walk through.

Because of a combination of these things, shopping injuries during the holiday season tend to increase from the same injuries the rest of the year. While many shoppers experience no problems, others might find themselves tripping, falling, or leaving with scratches. Still other unlucky patrons may suffer from more serious injuries, such as broken bones or head injuries. This is when a LaGrange slip and fall lawyer may be your best bet.

Shopping malls and retail establishments all find the holidays are the busiest time of the year. From the moment Black Friday comes on all the way to Christmas Eve, stores are packed. This makes slip and fall injuries more common. In addition, not having enough employees or proper maintenance can lead to other dangerous situations, which include:

  • Buildup of snow and ice can lead to falls both in store and outside; not having proper warning signs can also lead to this problem.
  • People trying to grab a bargain might lead to trampling or shoving if there are no crowd controls in the store.
  • Aisles can become filled with debris or extra inventory which may lead to falling or tripping.
  • Not removing melted snow and ice from the floors can leave them slippery and dangerous for the customers.
  • Pedestrians may find that being hit by a vehicle is more common in overfilled parking lots.
  • Not having proper security may mean criminals can steal from other customers and get away, perhaps even inflicting injury.

If you have been injured while holiday shopping, you should seek out a LaGrange slip and fall lawyer who can help. Mary Ann Covone P.C. Attorney at Law can help. You can sign up for a free consultation by calling the office at 708-246-4911.

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